Business and Professional Foundation

Let your money share the gospel


We understand what it's like to feel guilty for not having the time or energy to share the gospel between everything else that needs done to live life and take care of those we love. But here’s the thing. Everyone should have the opportunity to be actively involved in ministry. If you’re too busy in your current season to allocate your time or talents to the Lord’s work, why not let your money share the gospel?

Welcome to the Business and Professional Foundation! Since 1966, we have raised over $500,000 which has provided more than $3,000,000 of funding for sharing the gospel throughout the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. We would love to partner with you in letting your money share the gospel.


How does it work?

Glad you asked! The money that you give is placed in a revolving fund which the Business and Professional Foundation uses to fund low-interest loans and grants to churches and schools within the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference. When the money is in the revolving fund, it is earning interest, gaining more money to be used to further the gospel. In fact, the first dollar was given to BPF in 1966 to help support Seventh-day Adventist Churches, Schools and Gospel Outreach, and that same dollar is still being used.


Join the Business and Professional Foundation


Pledge a recurring donation of as little as $20 per year


Watch your money multiply as it helps share the gospel